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Item name filter
Use to filter items by name. The Use field allows the user to select different lookup options:
Simple Search
Simple substring search, no wildcards, not case sensitive.
Regular Expression
Common regular expressions and regular .NET expressions allowed.
Read more about regular expressions.
Read more about regular .NET expressions.
Common wildcards are allowed. Question mark (?) stands for and single character. Asterisk (*) stands for any number of characters. Any other character matches as is. The search is not case sensitive.
Creation Date Filter
Use to filter items by their creation date.
Note: the ‘Within the past XX days’ function is just a UI convenience, this is not a floating date. When a user enters a number of days, this value is converted to a static date range.
Modification Date Filter
Same as Creation Date Filter, but in this case the modification dates are considered.
Publish Date Filter
This filter allows you to include only those items which are publishable on a specific date. In other words, you will get only those items from the source which would appear in web database if you perform a republish on the Publish date.
Take workflow into account checkbox defines whether to apply workflow restrictions to publishing when filtering.
Template Filter
Use to filter items by templates they are based on. Only items which are based on at least one of the templates from the list will be added.
<SC53 Build 061102 bug: this filter filters items not by templates they are based on but by the template they are created from>
Master Filter
Use to filter items by the master they are created from. Only items which are based on at least one of the masters from the list will be added.
Use Exclude items without master checkbox to exclude items which don’t have any masters assigned.
Creation User Filter
Use to filter items by the users who created them. Select the domain you want to choose users from in the Domain field and the users from the multilist below.
Update User Filter works in a similar way, filtering by users who updated an item last.
Creation Role Filter and Update Role Filter allow to filter items by roles which the users who created/updated items belong to.
Language Filter
Only versions of items in selected languages will be added.